Here are some

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the 24-Hour Prayer and Worship Event?

    This event is a 24-hour period dedicated to continuous prayer and worship. We’re inviting our church community to come together, taking shifts to pray and worship throughout the day and night. Whether you can join for a short time or stay for several hours, this is an opportunity to seek God’s presence individually and corporately.

  • When and where is it happening?

    The event will take place at our Cornerstone Gatehouse Location, starting on Friday, November 22 at 7:00 p.m. and ending on Saturday, November 23 at 7:00 p.m. You can come and go as your schedule allows.

  • Do I need to sign up in advance?

    Yes, we encourage everyone to sign up for a time slot in advance to ensure we have continuous prayer and worship throughout the 24 hours. You can sign up for one or more hours, and if you're musically gifted, you can also indicate if you'd like to lead worship during your time slot.

  • Can I bring my family?

    Absolutely! We welcome individuals and families to participate. Families can pray together during their time slots.

  • What should I bring?

    You may want to bring your Bible, a journal, and anything else that helps you stay focused in prayer (such as a devotional book). We’ll provide prayer guides, light snacks, and water and coffee throughout the event. If you are participating in a worship session, feel free to bring your instrument.

  • Can I stay overnight?

    Yes, you are welcome to stay for multiple hours, even through the night, as we will have the venue open for the full 24 hours. There will be people present throughout the event, so you’re never alone.

  • Will there be live worship?

    Yes, live worship will be led by participants who have signed up to do so during their time slots. There may be periods of both live worship and more quiet, reflective times for personal prayer.

  • Do I have to participate for a full hour?

    While each time slot is one hour, you are welcome to stay for a portion of that time if it fits better with your schedule. Feel free to come and go as you are able, but please try to respect the prayerful atmosphere of the event.

  • What if I can’t make it in person?

    If you're unable to attend in person, you can still participate by praying from wherever you are. Consider joining us in prayer during a specific time slot that aligns with the focus of the hour. You can find the prayer focus in the prayer guide.

  • Is there a specific prayer focus for each hour?

    Yes, each hour has a specific prayer focus, ranging from topics like personal revival, healing, and missions, to community and global concerns. A full schedule of the hourly focuses is available in the prayer guide and printed at the event itself.

  • Will there be food provided?

    There will be light snacks and drinks available throughout the event to keep everyone energized, especially those joining during late-night or early-morning hours.

  • How can I prepare for the event?

    Spend some time in prayer leading up to the event, asking God to prepare your heart. You can also download our Prayer Guide which will give you a sense of the themes and prayer focuses during the event.